
編號 名稱
15137 15137 Human Tool Clutch Test Implement with Tow Ball
36010 36010 Human Tool, Shaft Clip Ninjago
36011 36011 Human Tool, Wing / Sail Holder Ninjago
41818 41818 Rubber Squeezable Bladder
55819 55819 Human Tool, Brick Separator Wide
66962c01 66962c01 Dice Spinner with White Inside and Hexagonal Dots, Hearts and Skulls Pattern
69182 69182 Human Tool Dots Bag Tag Cube
69871 69871 Human Tool Dots Tile Remover Key with Heart and Screwdriver End
73767 73767 Human Tool Dots Bag Tag Ring
78169 78169 Human Tool Dots Tile Remover Key with Diamond and Screwdriver End
86188 86188 Human Tool Clutch Test Implement with Bar 7L
86189 86189 Human Tool Clutch Test Implement with Ball Joint
86191 86191 Human Tool Clutch Test Implement with Stud
bb0299 bb0299 Human Tool, Screwdriver Metal with Lego Logo Open O Style
bb0342 bb0342 Human Tool, Triangle Ruler
bb1175 bb1175 Human Tool Clutch Test Implement with Technic Pin
bb1176 bb1176 Human Tool Clutch Test Implement with Brick
ripcordcover1 ripcordcover1 Human Tool, Rip Cord Handle Cover Flexible Rubber with Lion Head (Legends of Chima)
ripcordcover2 ripcordcover2 Human Tool, Rip Cord Handle Cover Flexible Rubber with Crocodile Head (Legends of Chima)