玩家的人偶清單 egor
LEGO lor030 Bilbo Baggins - Dark Red Coat 1 x lor030
LEGO lor031 Gollum - Narrow Eyes 1 x lor031
LEGO lor081 Necromancer of Dol Guldur 1 x lor081
LEGO lor082 Radagast 1 x lor082
LEGO lor087 Azog 1 x lor087
LEGO lor088 Gundabad Orc - Bald 1 x lor088
LEGO lor089 Gundabad Orc - Bald with Shoulder Spikes 1 x lor089
LEGO lor090 Statue at Dol Guldur 1 x lor090
LEGO lor103 Galadriel (79015) 1 x lor103
LEGO lor104 Witch-King (79015) 1 x lor104
LEGO lor105 Elrond (79015) 1 x lor105