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編號 名稱
10916 10916 Electric, Cable USB for Mindstorms EV3 (2 meter)
2757 2757 Electric, Plug Holder 4.5V/12V
2767 2767 Electric, Connector, 2 Way male wide
2775 2775 Electric, Connector, 2 Way male Squared Wide Short - Root (4.5V)
2775c01 2775c01 Electric, Connector, 2 Way male Squared Wide Short - Complete Assembly
2775c190 2775c190 Electric, Wire 12V / 4.5V with male Squared Wide Short Connector and male Squared Narrow Long Connector, 190 Studs Long
2775c96 2775c96 Electric, Wire 12V / 4.5V with male Squared Wide Short Connector and male Squared Narrow Long Connector, 96 Studs Long
2776 2776 Electric, Connector, 2-Way Male Squared Narrow Short - Root
2776c01 2776c01 Electric, Connector, 2 Way male Squared Narrow Short - Complete Assembly
2776c28 2776c28 Electric, Wire 12V / 4.5V with 2 male Squared Narrow Short connectors, 28 Studs Long
2913c05 2913c05 Electric, Train Track Contact Base with Wire (97cm) with 2 Light Gray Electric, Connector, 1-Way Male Squared (2913 / 765c01)
39881c01 39881c01 Electric, Cable USB for Spike Prime, USB A-Type Male to USB Micro-B-Type Male (Length 1 meter/3 Feet)
3waycona 3waycona Electric, Connector, 3 Way female Rounded
3wayconb 3wayconb Electric, Connector, 3 Way male Rounded
3wayconc 3wayconc Electric, Connector, 3-Way Male Rounded with Hollow Pins
4232sc 4232sc Electric, Spybotics Serial Cable
5306ac015 5306ac015 Electric, Wire with Brick 2 x 2 x 1/3 Pair, 15 Studs Long (rare brick height)
5306b 5306b Electric, Wire with Brick 2 x 2 x 2/3 Pair (Undetermined Length)
5306bc011 5306bc011 Electric, Wire with Brick 2 x 2 x 2/3 Pair, 11 Studs Long
5306bc015 5306bc015 Electric, Wire with Brick 2 x 2 x 2/3 Pair, 15 Studs Long
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