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Starcraft 2 in LEGO bricks

With the close release of Starcraft 2: Heart of the Swarm lets overlook what great Lego Starcraft creations were made in the past.

Let's start with:


MMM (Marines/Marouders/Medivacs)
Sven Junga(via Flickr) has created great Starcraft 2 Marine

To accompy it let's find out some Marouders/Firebats. Imo the best i have found are done by Alex M. (via Mocpages), they are not so tall comparing to Sven's Marine, but looks great comparing to ordinary LEGO minifigure.


If some of this hard guys ever fall from the hill and damage their kneels, the need some medics (unfortunately medics were removed in SC2, but Medivac unit has been added).
So the Pepa Quin's Medivac will help our forces to be healthy. (i like Pepa Quin's Starcraft works very much so you will get more from him in this list)

Pepa has his own marines that are closer to minifig's scale, but unfortunately not so well detailed. (scale vs detail this is always a bargain)

Unfortunately medivacs could be damaged as well, so we need some SCV to make repairs in our LEGO Starcraft
And Pepa Quin gives us a hand here as well.


Don't know about you guys, but when i play starcraft, i usually go to Tech buildings instead of Bio. So factory/starport units go next.

P.S. we are here posting generaly SC2 units, but for SC1 factory you could take a look at Keika03 Brickshelf with his good retro aquazone marines and small robotic SCV, so take a look ^_^ Also there are interesting terran bio units from first starcraft at dunechaser flickr

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