Cool Cars

美國售價:$10.00 (0.05 $/片數)
俄國售價:ք449.00 (2.18 ք/片數)
總重:310 公克 (0.03 $/g)
零件重量:163 公克 (0.06 $/g)
尺寸:28.5 x 19 x 5 公分
體積重:0.54 公斤
Hit the streets in style! Get ready to build, then get ready to burn rubber! Cruise the roads in a cool yellow sports car with fully functional gull-wing doors, or take your creation apart and rebuild it into a sleek racecar or a mighty truck. Includes building instructions for all 3 models! With LEGO Creator, the possibilities are endless! Gull-wing doors and trunk really open! Main model measures 5.5 inches (14 cm) long!

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