The Battle of Endor

美國售價:$100.00 (0.11 $/片數)
俄國售價:ք5399.00 (6.07 ք/片數)
總重:1610 公克 (0.06 $/g)
零件重量:882 公克 (0.11 $/g)
尺寸:57.7 x 37.7 x 8.4 公分
體積重:3.65 公斤
條碼: 0673419111904
Battle on the forest moon of Endor! Celebrate the 10th anniversary of LEGO Star Wars with the final battle for the fate of the Rebel Alliance -- and the Empire! On the forest moon of Endor, a brave team of Rebels joins forces with a fierce tribe of Ewok warriors. Their mission: to destroy the secret Imperial bunker and take out the Death Star's shields! This complete battle scene features an opening bunker with sliding blast doors, AT-ST scout walker with walking action, firing catapult, Ewok glider, 2 speeder bikes and 12 figures, including Han Solo, Princess Leia, Chewbacca, R2-D2, 3 Ewoks, 2 Scout Troopers, Death Star Trooper, and 2 Rebel Commandos! Packed with 12 minifigures: Han Solo, Princess Leia, Chewbacca, R2-D2 (classic deco), 2 Rebel commandos, 2 scout troopers, Death Star Trooper, and 3 Ewoks! AT-ST scout walker has more details and walking action! Imperial bunker has sliding doors and explosion function! Firing catapult, Ewok glider and 2 speeder bikes also included! AT-ST measures 7'? inches (19.1cm) tall! Imperial bunker measures 10 inches (25.4cm) long by 7'? inches (19.1cm) wide!

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